Saturday, November 19, 2011

Livin happy despite Lyme and other things.

November 19, 2011

I don't write often enough in my blog because of these debilatating daily headaches which have lasted over 2 years and a yucky stomach and losing 30 pds. My Lyme specialist is trying to figure out what is going on including the active Epstein Barr virus being very active again and a high red blood cell count. He mentioned something about meningitis and petite mal seizures.
I had 14 vials of blood taken the other day and 2 CT scans of my abdomen and chest in which they found a small nodule and are following that.
I try to live every day one minute at a time dealing with this and not being able to go out much, socialize or drive a car.
I wonder if my quality of life will return and I can at least go out walking with my husband and dog again without falling or having excruciating pain in my head.
I am hoping to be able to attend my nephew George and his fiance' wedding next March.
One day at a time.
No anger, no grudges....just crying sometimes to release the pain and frustration of it all. And trying to keep in touch with my family and friends over the phone, via email or letters.